Kamis, 04 Oktober 2012

Zac Efrin Transformation

Zac Efron Tranformation
from "High School Musical to The Lucky one"

(The Hotest Male of the week)

(image copy by : google.com)

H.O.T Street Style... 
u wanna try it..??!! 
Just Do it Girlllllssss........ 

( image copy by : Google.com )

Rabu, 03 Oktober 2012

Amy Winehouse - Back To Black



siapa bilang kerja harus selalu pusing dan kaku... dikantor gw ga pegang sistem kerja kaya gitu,, nih buktinya.... haha... 

 ( lagi ada tamu dr kantor cabang bali, foto dulu lah biar jd kenang-kenangan.. katanyaaa... ^^)

 (Jumat CERIAAA....)

 ( We're the same when doing the crazy things!! )

 ( Women in RED, hows pretty.... *ting )

 ( di sela-sela kerjaan yang ga ketebak...)

 ( we are familly........)

( after lunch?? no problemooo...)

We Never be to fall apart...?? (i hope)

Selasa, 02 Oktober 2012

Paul Wesley as Stefan Salvatore 

( Vampires Diary tv series ) 


Tv series Vampires Diary udah masuk season 4, semakin ribet jalan ceritanya, tapiiiiiiiii.... hubungan Stefan & Elena makin "Megang".. ooohhhhh.... ga ada habisnya kagum dan senyum-senyum sendiri tiap abis nonton episode nya... 

he's the mas.. girlss... boleh lah ada edward cullen yang charming full itu,, tp ini juga ga kalah... buat para pecinta vampire pasti paham kenapa stefan is the only one humble and tenderly vampire in tv series... ihiwwww...

can't wait to know hows the ending strory about stefan salvatore & elena girlbert...,, 

Stefan Salvatore & Elena Gilbert

(Copy by : Google.com)