Minggu, 12 Februari 2012

wHat i dO wHen i was get Bored in the office,,

based on my hobby and my passion is take picture anywhere and every where, sampe dikantor pun, kalo udah BT sama kerjaan, inilah kerjaan gw dikantor.... thx to my Bos sekaligus temen kantor ku,, "mas tito" dan beberapa tmn lainnya,m  yang suka motoin gw secara dadakan.... ahayyyyyy

Dianna agron Style

she's become my inspirations for now, she looks so pretty and girly with dress and flat shoes when si wear on the set of glee or daily. I'll try to be like her for go to my office,, hahahhaha... all my friendsss,, dont be jelous,, ahahahaha.... 

( photo seacrh on www.google.com )